The Sylthen

Sylthen: One would expect this serpentine race to be cunning, scheming and capable of acts of betrayal, assassination and general chaos. One would be bloody correct as well, these are snake like humanoids, and they are a cross between snakes and humans in looks. Their hair is a definite mass of fine tendrils and spines; down their backs they have a tiny mane of these poisonous spines as well. One bite from a sylthen isn’t lethal of course, but imparts an hallucinogenic quality to the blood for a while, many people flock to Sylthen Pleasure Houses not only for the oddity of sex with one of the women or men, but the fact that the snake creatures charge a decent coin for a quick trip into eurphoric nirvana. sylthen often are proof positive that Half Anything make good slaves however, since they do tend to keep a small menagerie of such – if you go hungry, you can always eat the help? Right?

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