The One God of the Infinite Machine

The One God of the Infinite Machine: The patron deity of the Church of Progression. This single-minded being has constantly driven his people to expand, conquer and create via the use of technology. This being is somewhat hypocritical since he advocates the use of magic in combination with technology and allows his people to combine them, yet he demands that all other magic users are branded as heretics. Those who practise magic are known by their derogatory term: Wizards.

His Inquisitors (the main enforcement arm of the CoP) are taught to counter magic with complex mathematical formulae and devices.

He is one of the younger gods of Hestonia.

His symbol is that of a complex cog or gearwheel made from silver, bronze or gold. At the centre of the cog is an all-seeing eye and within the orb of the eye is another eye.

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